Clubs and Organizations
Rigby High has many more clubs available, to see the most current list check out out our course catalog available online.
Art ClubAdvisor: Michael Feik
Meeting: Room 1705 All students come who appreciate art and want to improve their skills and understanding. |
BPA: Business Professionals of AmericaAdvisor: Mrs. Mecham,
Mrs Harris Meeting: Room 2700 A student lead leadership club that deals with business and the working world. There are regional, state and national competitions in which students can compete in over 90 events. |
FCCLAAdvisor: Jessica Wahlen
Meeting: Room 1704 FCCLA: Family Career and Community Leaders of America focuses on the multiple roles families in today's society hold, while promoting Family and Consumer Science Education. |
FHLAAdvisor: Justin Jones
Meeting: Room 2602 Our commitment is to ensure Latino youth succeed in going on beyond high school. We also promote Latino pride and civic engagement. |
GSA: Gay-Straight AllianceAdvisor:
Meeting: Room The purpose of the GSA is to create harmony at RHS among all students, by encouraging acceptance and safety on campus. |
Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program.
Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy peers and trained by advisors. The program reduces youth suicide through education, training, and peer intervention. |
Mountain Bike Club
Advisor: Fackrell
Meeting: May - October Opportunity to learn new skills, meet other students who like to bike, compete in races, and provide services through trail maintenance and other projects. Participates as part of the Idaho Falls Composite Interscholastic Mountain Bike Team. |
National FFA OrganizationAdvisor: Robert Hale, Casey Sanders & Lex Godfrey
Meeting: Room 1801 A premiere leadership program that teaches leadership, responsibilities, and networking to high schoolers in the agricultural industry. |
Rigby Rugby ClubAdvisor: Chet Blasucci
Meeting: TBA Our club is dedicated to teaching young men ages 14-18 the values of teamwork, dedication, and service through the great sport of rugby. |
Rigby Thespian Troupe 3557Advisor: Jesse Arnold
Meeting: Room 1145 We aim to enrich lives through theatre education by honoring student achievement in theatre and enriching their theatre education experience. |
Robotics ClubAdvisor: Deryk Barrett
Meeting: Room 2709 A competitive team that creates robots that participate in 4-5 tournaments per year. |
Rotary InteractAdvisor:
Meeting: Interact is an internationally recognized club that is service based. The organization requires that students participate in at least one service project for the school, one for the community, and one international project. |